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The ELC C-Suite Academy

Price: $7,500.00

The ELC C-Suite Academy is a leadership development and networking program for senior executives who aspire to ascend to a C-Suite role that reports directly to the CEO. This unique program strategically and tactically prepares black senior executives for this next critical step up the corporate ladder. Participants learn from successful black C-Suite executives while receiving deeper insight through individualized feedback and coaching.

Due to the cost of the attendance, full refund will be granted only if cancellation notice is received in writing

at least six weeks in advance of the start of the program. Participants selected for this program are fully
transferable at any time prior to six weeks from the start of the program (a modest transfer fee may apply).

For questions concerning this receipt, please do not hesitate to call (703)-706-5272 or email us at
Mon – Fri, 9am to 5pm EST. Thank you for your support



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